Cost and Consequences
Insurance fraud costs Americans at least $308 billion a year, according to the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud. Insurance fraud inflates the cost all consumers pay for their insurance needs. That, however, is just the beginning. Insurance fraud pushes up the cost of everything you buy and use. For example, fraud in the workers compensation system adds to the cost of coverage. According to a recent Business Council of NY survey of New York employers, more than a third of respondents said workers’ compensation costs are encouraging them to consider relocating their businesses outside of the state. When businesses move and new businesses cannot afford to take their place, people lose jobs, the tax base erodes, neighborhoods and schools become run down. This makes insurance fraud everybody’s problem.
Committing insurance fraud can result in both fines and/or imprisonment. Sentences for fraud range from one to 25 years. There is also the embarrassment and shame brought to your personal reputation, family, friends, company, and community. These costs are at times far higher than the fine.
Insurance Fraud Hurts. Everyone!
Click below to watch a commercial from a previous campaign about how insurance fraud hurts everyone!